
When you come into the MSc from outside, you'll have some inherent difficulties.

The most important is to pass the additional requirements in time.

The following steps should be performed in this order:
  1. Focus on the additional requirements you've got with the admission!
    Take these very serious! They might be very demanding, even if they are at the bachelor level.
    They contain new materials for you and they might need more work than you'd expect.
  2. Take core courses.
  3. Choose specialization fields.

In general:
  • do your homework every week
  • do not rely on the semester break to learn for the final exam!

Regarding the lecture Numerical Methods for CSE:
  • get in touch with actual bachelor CSE-students enrolled into this lecture
  • attend tutorials in English

Regarding the lecture Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations:
  • if you have prior knowledge, self-study in winter is possible; this would allow for a trial in January, but this is a big challange!
  • better: postpone it to the spring semester and try the exam in summer.

Regarding elective courses:
  • in addition to the elective courses listed in the CSE Master section in the course catalog, you can also take subjects from the Bsc CSE as electives if you like
  • in order to take a subject from the Bsc CSE as elective, you need to first write an email to either the study director of CSE or study advisor of CSE and ask them about taking that subject as an elective

The Case Studies give you the possibility to get in touch with older and younger CSE-students.
Take this chance to learn about the experiences and feelings of the other CSE-students.
Get in touch!

In the Case Studies you are expected to give a short presentation about a paper/thesis. You can choose the date of your presentation by registering on the CSE home page under "The Program" -> "Case Studies Seminar". Register early if you want to present on a specific date.

Moreover, do not forget to sign up for the one-hour course "Scientific Works in Mathematics" which is offered every semester. You must attend (pass) this course in order to start your semester thesis or master thesis.

You can find answers to most of your administrative questions by reading the official CSE master program guidelines which you will find under "Documents" on the CSE home page. You can also ask older students in the Facebook group "ETH CSE Master Students".

Your student association is VMP (Verein der Mathematik- und Physikstudierenden an der ETH Zürich). Be sure to familiarize yourself with the services they provide by visiting their web page: Here, you can also find a database of old exams in various courses offered in the D-MATH and D-PHYS study programs. Outside their office in the CAB-building, you will be able to get free coffee (max one per day) and free beer (max one per day and three per week). In addition, VMP organizes several academic and social events.

Contribute also to this wiki.

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03 Mar 2025
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