RW/CSE frequently asked questions

  • Can I further do master thesis outside ETH, e.g. UZH or other universities?

MSc CSE students who joined the MSc programme from outside ETH are not allowed to do their MSc thesis at another place. Profs of UZH are an exception, because they are usually associated with ETHZ. Please inquire with the lecturer.

  • Is it allowed that a student is payed a salary when writing a Master thesis with a industry partner?

No, it is not allowed, see

(V.G. 9.09.2016)

  • How can language courses be counted towards my degree

For "Science in Perspective", students have the option to attend language courses. Note however that at most 3 ECTS can be collected from language courses across the entire course of studies, i.e. it is not possible to use more than 3 ECTS points for a bachelor even if you already have 3 ECTS from other Science in Perspective courses. It is also not possible to again use a language course in the master's studies if you have already counted 3 ECTS from a language course towards the bachelor.

Further information:

(PS 31.01.2023)

  • How to get the official permission to do a term/bachelor/master thesis under the supervision of a professor which is not on the list of CSE supervisors?

You should write an email to the Director of Studies CSE in order to request the approval of the master thesis project under the supervision of the Professor suited by you. You should provide in your Email a short written project description that clearly indicates that the project involves the application of CSE techniques and has a computer implementation component. Then, you should forward the approval of the Director of Studies CSE to the Studiensekretariat and go there to ask and fill in what paper forms are needed.

(V.G. 12.11.2014)

  • Is it possible to request for a transcripts which doesn't mention a select few of the exams and grades of all repetitions?

You can get a transcript of all passed exams. Would this suit you? If so you can get this from the Rektoratskanzlei by email to

  • I will not have all the credits, which are necessary for me to get my bachelors degree. Is it nevertheless possible for me to take master courses, which I can later use for my master studies, so just continuing with my studies? What will be my official status? Can I enroll as a master student?

Yes, you can take lectures; only when you ask for the Diploma, you have to decide which credits for which Diploma you count. Under myStudies you should try to register as a master student.

  • Wie werden die Kreditpunkte für die Vorlesungen aus einer Vertiefung, z.B. aus der 4 Vorlesungen in der Vertiefung Theoretische Physik angerechent?

Für eine kleine Vertiefung müssen 2 Vorlesungen besucht werden; diese 2 müssen Sie bei der Beantragung des BSc-Diploms angeben. Es zählen alle KP der Vorlesungen, z.B. sie geben die ersten 2 Vorelsungen mit je 8 KP an, so dass es 16 KP angerechnet werden.

Wenn Sie nun alle 4 Vorlesungen gehört haben,haben Sie die Wahl zwischen zwei Möglichkeiten:

1) sie deklarieren (bei der Beantragung des BSc-Diplom) die anderen zwei als Wahlfächer: es kommen noch, z.B. 8+4=12 KP hinzu; dann kann die Vertiefung Theoretische Physik nicht mehr zu einer grossen Vertiefung im Master ausgebaut werden, da die KP bereits entwertet worden sind.

2) sie rechnen die KP der letzten 2 Voresungen nicht fürs BSc-Diplom, sondern behalten diese fürs MSc-Diplom, so dass Sie damit die Theoretische Physik zur grossen Vertiefung im Master-Studium ausbauen.

(VG und KN 17.02.2014)

  • I am currently doing my Semester thesis in the group XY; am I required to hand in a written report to any other organizing authority other than the group i am working with right now?


  • Can I choose a non-graded course (e.g. a seminar) as an elective ? (RH, Jan 24, 2014)

No, eligible electives must come with an exam and have to be graded.

  • Is there a list of professors under whom we can do the project or we can choose any Group/Lab at ETH.? (VG, Jan 24, 2014)

The student office has such a list. In principle, any ETH-lecturer can supervise your semester project. In case the supervisor is not on the list, you should contact the director of studies CSE or the advisor of studies CSE which will decide if the project would be accepted for a semester thesis.

  • I took Machine Learning as a compensatory course. Do I have to fail twice in Computational Statistics or in Visual Computing in order that I can use Machine Learning indeed as a compensatory course? (KN January 16, 2014)

Yes, a compensatory course can be used only when a student failed twice at the exams of one of the core courses.

  • Would it be possible to take the numerical methods for CSE exam in the next exam season in August? It would still fulfil the requirement to take all pre-requisites before the start of my 3rd semester. (VG, Jan 9, 2014)

Indeed, it seems OK to have the first attempt in August, but not later. Please make sure that you haven't registered or de-register from the exam in the Winter session. Also cleck with the Vorlesungsverzeichnis and with the actual lecturer to make sure that here will be an exam in the August session on numerical methods.

  • Within 3 days I have 3 consecutive exams. Is it possible to sit the oral examination of the elective course X next semester? I asked the lecturer and he said it wouldn't be a problem from their side. (VG Jan 8, 2014)

There are no objections that you postpone the exam. Please, make sure that:

  1. the professor is offering for you the possibility to take the exam next semester
  2. de-register for this exam (otherwise you get a Fail, which you do not want)
  3. register again for the exam next semester

In case of doubt with de-registration and registration is good to ask the examination office at the Rektorat. It might be that there is also a way to optimize the examination schedule, so it is worthwhile to ask there anyway.

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