Comments on Electives (Wahlfachvorlesungen) from RW/CSE students for RW/CSE students

Please create a separate webpage for each elective and give detailed comments and assessments there. Avoid strongly emotional statements and try to convey as much information as possible about prerequisites for the course, balance of theory and practical applications, the role of algorithms, computer implementation, and software, the structure and objective of the lectures and its suitability for supplementing the CSE core curriculum or the core courses in a field of specialization.

Frühjahrssemester FS 2014

Specialization Course VVZ Professor Room Hours Credits Examination Annotations
Robotics Autonomous Mobile Robots           Oral, 30 min  
Electives Projects in Machine Learning           N/A  

Herbstsemester HS 2014

Specialization Course VVZ Professor Room Hours Credits Examination Annotations
Robotics Theory of Robotics and Mechatronics           Written, 120min  
Physik Introduction to Computational Physics Physik H.J.Herrmann 2V 2U 8 Oral, 20 min

Herbstsemester HS 2021

Course VVZ Professor Examination Comments
Computational Mechanics II: Nonlinear FEA 151-0529-00L L. DeLorenzis Written, 120mins Work on several applied problems in continuum mechanics. FEA prerequisites from NumPDE are more than enough. Other (limited) prerequisites are understanding of continuum mechanics and tensor calculus. Perhaps a bit dry and tedious at times due to the math, but the (Matlab) simulations that you will code are pretty cool.
VLSI 1: HDL based design for FPGAs 227-0116-00L F. K. Gürkaynak, L. Benini Written, 180 mins Introduction to FPGA programming (on a real device, it's yours to do with as you please for the semester!) using Verilog, HDL, Graphical tools. Makes more sense to take if you plan on taking more VLSI courses. Exam required some prerequisites in digital circuits, gate timing, but was doable without that knowledge.

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03 Mar 2025
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