Area of specialization Fluid Dynamics

Contact: P. Jenny

Course Hours Term Dept Credits Course No.
Fluid Dynamics II 2V 1U HS MAVT 3 151-0103-00L
Turbulent Flows 2V 1U HS MAVT 4 151-0109-00L
Computational Methods for Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Problems 2V 2U FS MAVT 4 151-0208-00L
Advanced CFD Methods 2V 1U FS MAVT 4 151-0212-00L
Fundamentals of CFD Methods (not offered currently) 3G HS MAVT 4 151-0182-00L
Compressible Flows 2V 1U FS MAVT 4 151-0110-00L
Quantitative Flow Visualisation 2V 1U HS MAVT 4 151-0105-00L
Stochastic Methods for Engineers & Nat. Sci. 4G HS MAVT 4 151-0709-00L
Hydrodynamics and Cavitation 3G HS MAVT 4 151-0125-00L
Fluid Dynamics with the Lattice Boltzmann Method 3G HS MAVT 4 151-0213-00L
Theory and Modeling of Reactive Flows 3G FS MAVT 4 151-0207-00L
Seminar in Fluid Dynamics for CSE   HS/FS RW 4 401-5950-00L

Please comment on your experience with these courses below under the corresponding headings. Always specify the semester and the name of the lecturer. In particular mention what you have perceived as prerequisites and dependencies.

General Remarks

Specific Remarks on Courses

Fluid Dynamics II

Turbulent Flows

Berechnungsmethoden der Energie- und Verfahrenstechnik

Advanced CFD Methods

Lectured by Prof. Dr. Patrick Jenny, Spring 2020
  • A wide range of approaches in CFD are discussed.
  • Hand-on homework for each approaches.
  • Knowledge of fundamentals of CFD not necessarily needed.

Fundamentals of CFD Methods

Lectured by Dr. Andreas Haselbacher, Autumn 2019

  • Basic concepts and ways of analysis are covered in detail.
  • Theoretical homework and a small hand-on project.
  • Not only suits people that are new in this field but also those that want a thorough recap on the fundamentals of CFD.

Compressible Flows

Quantitative Flow Visualisation

Lectured by Prof. Dr. Thomas Rösgen, Autumn 2019

  • Main experimental techniques for flow visualization are introduced.
  • Almost no practical homework.
  • Useful for people that want to have a brief awareness of experimental techniques in fluid dynamics.

Stochastic Methods for Engineers & Nat. Sci.

Hydrodynamics and Cavitation

Fluid Dynamics with the Lattice Boltzmann Method

Theory and Modeling of Reactive Flows

Seminar in Fluid Dynamics for CSE

Lectured by Prof. Dr. Patrick Jenny, Autumn 2020

  • Do a project whose topic is proposed by Prof. Jenny, followed by a final presentation.

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