Area of specialization Computational Finance

Contact: Ch. Schwab

Course Hours Term Dept Credits Course No.
Mathematical Foundations for Finance 3V 2U HS MATH/RW 4 401-3913-01L
Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations 3V 1U HS MATH/RW 6 401-4657-00L
Financial Engineering 4G HS UNIZ 6 401-8905-00L
Financial Market Risks 2G HS MTEC 3 363-0561-00L
Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance - PDE methods 3V 1U FS MATH/RW 6 401-4658-00L
Machine Learning in Finance 3V 1U FS MATH/RW 6 401-3932-19L
Continuous Time Quantitative Finance 3V FS UNIZ 3 401-8908-00L
Seminar in Comput. Finance for CSE 2S HS/FS RW 4 401-5820-00L

Please comment on your experience with these courses below under the corresponding headings. Always specify the semester and the name of the lecturer. In particular mention what you have perceived as prerequisites and dependencies.

General Remarks

For Bachelor students, this specialization can be very challenging and frustrating. You have to take the courses "Mathematical Foundations for Finance" and "Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations (Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance - Monte Carlo and Sampling Methods)". The latter one includes some nice programming in Matlab but the former one is a pure theoretical course with a lot of proofs that require more knowledge in probability theory than you probably have. If you want to choose this field of specialization, you should rather do it in your Master studies and just choose some other minor specialization for your Bachelor.

Specific Remarks on Courses

Mathematical Foundations for Finance

Autumn semester 2020: (Lecturer: M. Schweizer)

Make sure that you either choose an elective course / core course that includes probability theory or that you take a similar course in this specialization like "Financial Engineering". This will make it much easier to follow this course. This course is very theoretical and thus can be very dry. If you like to proof abstract things, then you will surely enjoy it. But if you're not that familiar with expectations, variance or just don't like to proof statements, you might have a hard time here. Master students can take similar courses instead or just go completely in the computational direction.

This course gives a very short crash course about all the basics you need but it is highly advised that you're already familiar with expectations and their properties, as well as stochastic processes and martingales. Otherwise you might feel overwhelmed after the first two weeks.

Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance - Monte Carlo and Sampling Methods

Autumn semester 2020: (Lecturer: D. Salimova)

This course combines theory, Matlab programming and applications and focuses on Stochastic (Ordinary) Differential Equations (SDE). You should know about basic probability theory such as expectations and variance already before taking this course. If you've never heard of SDEs, you don't have to worry too much. They will get nicely introduced during the course and you will do a lot of examples (both programming and on paper) for different kind of SDEs. The exam is computer-based and you have to implement certain methods in Matlab. Skeleton codes are given in the exam and in most programming exercises and are usually not too complicated. Just note that the exam is not a pure programming exam but also requires to calculate things on paper and apply short theorems from the course.

Financial Engineering

Financial Market Risks

Computational Methods for Financial Market Risks

Quantitative Finance - PDE methods

Machine Learning in Finance

Continuous Time Quantitative Finance

Seminar in Comput. Finance for CSE

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09 Mar 2025
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