PatternSkin theme: Foswiki release 1.1.5

Use this theme if you have created a theme or sub-skin that relies on the styling of PatternSkin around release 1.1.5 or before.

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---++ Store theme settings
%INCLUDE{"PatternSkin" section="copysettings"}%
<form name="select_all">
<textarea readonly="readonly" rows="12" cols="120" name="copypaste" class="foswikiInputFieldReadOnly foswikiSmallish" style="width:99%">
The overall skin:
   * Set SKIN = <noautolink><tt> pattern</tt></noautolink>
Skin styles:
   * Set FOSWIKI_LAYOUT_URL = <noautolink><tt> &#37;DISPLAY&#95;FOSWIKI&#95;LAYOUT&#95;URL&#37;</tt></noautolink>
   * Set FOSWIKI_STYLE_URL = <noautolink><tt> &#37;DISPLAY&#95;FOSWIKI&#95;STYLE&#95;URL&#37;</tt></noautolink>
   * Set FOSWIKI_COLORS_URL = <noautolink><tt> &#37;DISPLAY&#95;FOSWIKI&#95;COLORS&#95;URL&#37;</tt></noautolink>
Theme variants:
   * Set PATTERNSKIN_COLUMNS = <noautolink><tt> &#37;DISPLAY&#95;PATTERNSKIN&#95;COLUMNS&#37;</tt></noautolink>
   * Set PATTERNSKIN_THEME_VARIANT = <noautolink><tt> &#37;DISPLAY&#95;PATTERNSKIN&#95;THEME&#95;VARIANT&#37;</tt></noautolink>
   * Set PATTERNSKIN_NAVIGATION_TOPIC = <noautolink><tt></tt></noautolink>
</textarea><br />
<input type="button" class="foswikiButton" value="Highlight text" onClick="javascript:this.form.copypaste.focus();;">
Topic revision: r1 - 21 Jul 2015, ProjectContributor
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