You are here: Foswiki>System Web>AccountManagementPlugin (02 Nov 2006, walteste)Edit Attach

Account Management Plugin

This plugin provides various variables for forms, form elements and actions for the D-INFK account management.

Syntax Rules

This plugin provides the following commands:

  • %ACCTMGTFORM{...}%
  • %ACCTMGTHELP{...}%
  • %ACCTMGTTOOL{...}%


The following attributes are supported. Not all attributes work for each command and command type:

Attribute Values Description
type see for each command above The type of form, action, control, etc.
whereadmin yes/no For forms and controls that contain selectors this will limit the items to be selected to items which the authenticated user can administer (eg. OUs, groups, users, etc.)
wheremember yes/no For forms and controls that contain selectors this will limit the items to be selected to items where the authenticated user is member (eg. OUs, groups, etc.)
level isg/ik/responsible/all For forms and action the level describes the feature level of the form or action
starttopic topic name For any action the topic to go to if an unusual error is detected, usually because the user messed with CGI parameters
empty string For selectors the string to display in teh unselected state. Defaults to 'Please select...'
default selection keyword For selectors the parameter value to pre-select a default entry
new yes/no For forms this will start with an empty form if set. Otherwise the form will be populated with the current values for the item to be modified.
errortopic topic name Topic to redirect to in case of errors
create topic name Topic for the [create] link generated in the user lists of the nethz=search action
show topic name Topic for the [show] link generated in the user lists of the nethz=search and user_list actions
delete topic name Topic for the [delete] link generated in the user lists of the nethz=search and user_list actions
modify topic name Topic for the [modify] link generated in the user lists of the user_list action
nethz topic name Topic for the [nethz] link generated in the user lists of the user_list action


The command


can be used to insert various controls into a form. For more infos on how forms work, please see below.

The following types are supported:

type group_selector
attributes whereadmin, default
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for UNIX groups
parameter name group
parameter value The selected UNIX group name

type netgroup_selector
attributes whereadmin, default
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for UNIX netgroups
parameter name netgroup
parameter value The selected UNIX netgroup name

type ou_selector
attributes whereadmin, wheremember, default, empty
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for OUs
parameter name ou
parameter value The selected OU name

type subou_selector
attributes level, empty
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for the standard sub-OU names. The names system and other are only available for level isg.
parameter name subou
parameter value The selected sub-OU name

type user_shell_selector
attributes -
parameters ou
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for the shells. The ou CGI parameter must be present and is be used to preselect the shell.
parameter name shell
parameter value The selected shell path. One of /bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/bash or /bin/csh

type user_selector
attributes whereadmin
parameters ou
description Inserts a XHTML select tag for the users of an OU. The ou CGI parameter must be present and is used to gather the user list.
parameter name uname
parameter value The selected user


The command


can be used to insert various forms into a TWiki page. The following types are supported:

type group_editor
attributes new, level, whereadmin
parameters group
description Inserts a group edit form
parameters group (group name)
gid (numeric group ID)
members (list of unames)
class (group class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)

type netgroup_editor
attributes new, level, whereadmin
parameters netgroup
description Inserts a netgroup edit form
parameters netgroup (group name)
hosts (list of host names)
members (list of member netgroups)
class (netgroup class)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)

type ou_editor
attributes new, level
parameters ou
description Inserts an OU edit form
parameters ou (OU name)
lz (cost center)
vuser (virtual user)
class (OU class)
name (descriptive name)
comment (comment string)

type user_editor
attributes level
parameters uname, ou
description Inserts a user edit form. The quota part of the form will only be shown if the quota attribute is set for the OU.
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
gid (numeric group ID)
gecos (gecos field)
shell (login shell)
home (home directory)
nismapentry (NFS path of home directory)
class (user class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
ik (IK flag)
automated (automated flag)
quota_blocks (blocks quota)
quota_lblocks (blocks quota limit)
quota_files (files quota)
quota_lfiles (files quota limit)

type template_editor
attributes new, level
parameters ou, subou
description Inserts a template edit form. The quota part of the form will only be shown if the quota attribute is set for the OU.
parameters ou (OU name)
gid (numeric group ID)
shell (login shell)
home (home directory pattern)
nismapentry (NFS path pattern of home directory)
ous (member OUs)
groups (member groups)
netgroups (added netgroups)
quota_blocks (blocks quota)
quota_lblocks (blocks quota limit)
quota_files (files quota)
quota_lfiles (files quota limit)

type user_creator
attributes whereadmin
parameters uname
description Inserts a user creation form
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
class (user class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)

type user_deletor
attributes whereadmin
parameters uname
description Inserts a user deletion form
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)

The XHTML form tags are not included an must be provided by the topic. The form method must be get and not post. The form link should usually point to a topic where an %ACCTMGTACTION{...}% command processes the parameters.


  <nop>%TABLE{tableborder="0" headerbg="#FFFFFF" databg="#FFFFFF"}<nop>%
  <form action="DoneWebHomeAccountManagementUsersCreate" method="get">
  <nop>%ACCTMGTFORM{type="user_creator" whereadmin="yes"}<nop>%
  | | |
  | | <input type="submit" value="Create" /> |


The command


can be used to create a TWiki page that will perform a given action when loaded with a set of CGI parameters. Pages containing actions should otherwise not containt other content, unless noted otherwise. The action will usually generate a verbose status message.

The following types are supported:

type auth_check
attributes errortopic
parameters -
description Verifies that the page is loaded by an user who has authenticated himself. If not a redirect to error topic is triggered. This action can be included in any topic that requires user authentication on a per-topic basis
Output -

type error_msg
attributes text (text format string)
parameters error (error text)
description Inserts an error text if error is defined. This action can be combined with forms and fields. Currently error is set by the template_modify and user_modify forms when the selected template or user is not set and a redirect to starttopic is triggered.
Output (text)

type group_create
attributes -
parameters group (group name)
gid (numeric group ID)
members (list of unames)
class (group class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
description Creates a UNIX group
Output Descriptive success or error message

type group_modify
attributes level
parameters group (group name)
gid (numeric group ID)
members (list of unames)
class (group class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
description Modifies an existing UNIX group
Output Descriptive success or error message

type group_delete
attributes -
parameters group (group name)
description Deletes an existing UNIX group
Output Descriptive success or error message

type group_show
attributes -
parameters group (group name)
description Displays details of an existing UNIX group
Output Output of group_tool --list

type netgroup_create
attributes -
parameters netgroup (netgroup name)
host (list of hosts)
members (list of member netgroups)
class (netgroup class)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
description Creates a UNIX netgroup
Output Descriptive success or error message

type netgroup_modify
attributes level
parameters netgroup (netgroup name)
host (list of hosts)
members (list of member netgroups)
class (netgroup class)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
description Modifies an existing UNIX netgroup
Output Descriptive success or error message

type netgroup_delete
attributes -
parameters netgroup (netgroup name)
description Deletes an existing UNIX netgroup
Output Descriptive success or error message

type netgroup_show
attributes -
parameters netgroup (netgroup name)
description Displays details of an existing UNIX netgroup
Output Output of netgroup_tool --list

type ou_create
attributes -
parameters ou (OU name)
name (descriptive name)
lz (cost center)
class (OU class)
vuser (virtual user)
comment (comment string)
description Creates a new OU
Output Descriptive success or error message

type ou_modify
attributes -
parameters ou (OU name)
name (descriptive name)
lz (cost center)
class (OU class)
vuser (virtual user)
comment (comment string)
description Modifies an existing OU
Output Descriptive success or error message

type ou_delete
attributes -
parameters ou (OU name)
description Deletes an existing OU
Output Descriptive success or error message

type ou_show
attributes -
parameters ou (OU name)
description Displays details of an existing OU and its sub-OUs
Output Output of ou_tool --list --subou

type user_create
attributes -
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
class (user class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
description Creates a user
Output Descriptive success or error message

type user_modify
attributes level
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
gid (numeric group ID)
gecos (gecos field)
shell (login shell)
home (home directory)
nismapentry (NFS path of home directory)
class (user class)
expire (expiration date)
responsible (uname of responsible user)
comment (comment string)
ik (IK flag)
automated (automated flag)
quota_blocks (blocks quota)
quota_lblocks (blocks quota limit)
quota_files (files quota)
quota_lfiles (files quota limit)
description Modifies an existing user
Output Descriptive success or error message

type user_delete
attributes -
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
description Deletes an existing user
Output Descriptive success or error message

type user_show
attributes -
parameters uname (user name)
ou (OU name)
subou (sub-OU flag)
description Displays details of an existing user in one/all OUs (and sub-OUs)
Output Output of user_tool --list --subou

type user_list
attributes show, modify, delete, nethz
parameters ou (OU name)
description Displays a table with a list of all users in an OU. A set of links is included to quickly show details, modify and delete users.
Output Page with a table containing all users in an OU

type user_shell_modify
attributes -
parameters ou (OU name)
shell (login shell)
description Modifies the shell of the authenticated user in an OU. The sell must be one of /bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, /bin/bash or /bin/csh.
Output "Your shell has been successfully changed to $shell"

type nethz_show
attributes -
parameters uname (user name)
description Displays details of an existing n.ethz user
Output Output of nethz_tool --list

type nethz_search
attributes show, create
parameters uname (user name pattern)
firstname (first name pattern)
lastname (last name pattern)
name (name pattern)
nuid (numeric UID)
npid (NPID)
legi (student ID)
ou (organizational unit)
description Displays the search result. A set of links is included to quickly show details and create users in an OU
Output Output of nethz_tool --search

type template_modify
attributes level
parameters ou (OU name)
gid (numeric group ID)
shell (login shell)
home (home directory pattern)
nismapentry (NFS path pattern of home directory)
ous (member OUs)
groups (member groups)
netgroups (added netgroups)
quota_blocks (blocks quota)
quota_lblocks (blocks quota limit)
quota_files (files quota)
quota_lfiles (files quota limit)
description Modifies an template
Output Descriptive success or error message



The command

 %ACCTMGTFIELD{text="field name" mandatory="yes|no"}%

can be used to insert a field table entry of the form "| field name: | ". The text will be rendered bold if mandatory is yes. Default is not mandatory. In a topic this command can be used as follows:

  %ACCTMGTFIELD{text="Select OU" mandatory="yes"}%%ACCTMGTCONTROL{type="ou_selector"}% |


The command

 %ACCTMGTPARAM{name="parameter name"}%

can be used to insert the URL decoded value of a CGI parameter passed to the current topic. In a topic this command can be used as follows:

  ---++ Details for User '%ACCTMGTPARAM{name="uname"}%'



The command


can be used to insert the man page of a tool. The tool name mist be passed as CGI parameter tool. The following tools are recognized:

  • group_tool
  • netgroup_tool
  • ou_tool
  • nethz_tool
  • user_tool
  • template_tool
  • undo_tool
  • pwcd
  • home_mgr
  • acct_mgr
  • info_mgr

Typically there would be a page containing links for all tools:

   <A HREF="ManPages?tool=group_tool">group_tool</A>
   <A HREF="ManPages?tool=netgroup_tool">netgroup_tool</A>

The topic ManPages of the link pointed at would only contain:


Use of Topics

For a standard form there is typically one topic containing the form that is reachable through links or the regular topic hierarchy.

Another topic is needed to perform an action using the parameters of the form. This topic should not be shown in the topic hierarchy as a sub-topic. On a normal TWiki installation this can be achieved by putting teh sub-topic name at the beginning of the whole parent topic string. Such sub-topics are not shown in the sub-topic tree.

If for example there is a topic AcctMgtCreateUser containing a user create form (%ACCTMGTFORM{type="user_creator"}%), the topic containing the action to create the user (%ACCTMGTACTION{type="user_create"}%) could be named DoAcctMgtCreateUser.

Full Example

A full example is given here see how it all works together. The goal is to have a set of topics to modify a user. The first topic AcctMgtUserModify will have the necessary controls to select a user and an OU:

  <form action="EditAcctMgtUserModify" method="get">
  %ACCTMGTFIELD{text="Login name"mandatory="yes"}%<input size="20" name="uname" /> %ACCTMGTACTION{type="error_msg" text="No user '%s' in OU '%s'"}%|
  %ACCTMGTFIELD{text="OU" anchor="ou" mandatory="yes"}%%ACCTMGTCONTROL{type="ou_selector" whereadmin="yes"}%|
  | | <input type="submit" value="Modify" /> |

The description of the input fields is done using %ACCTMGTFIELD{...}%. The form URL is the the topic that contains the edit form. The sub-topic name Edit is added at the beginning of the string to hide it in the sub-topic tree. Because the user_modify form supports redirection to an error topic, an error_msg action is added to display an error text if no such user exists in the OU.

The topic EditAcctMgtUserModify contains the form:

  ---++ Modify User '%ACCTMGTPARAM{name="uname"}%' in OU '%ACCTMGTPARAM{name="ou"}%'
  <form action="DoneAcctMgtUserModify" method="get">
  %ACCTMGTFORM{type="user_editor" starttopic="AcctMgtUserModify"}%
  | | <input type="submit" value="Modify" /> |

The topic name uses %ACCTMGTPARAM{...}% to display the selected user name and OU in the topic title. The form URL this time contains the action to modify the user. Insted of a new sub-topic of the edit topic EditAcctMgtUserModify a sister topic DoneAcctMgtUserModify is used. The form will trigger a redirect to starttopic if the user to modify does not exist.

The DoneAcctMgtUserModify topic only contains the user_modify action:

  %ACCTMGTACTION{type="user_modify" starttopic="AcctMgtUserModify"}%

The action will trigger a redirect to starttopic if the passed parameters are invalid.

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Copy to .../lib/TWiki/Plugins/
  • Copy AccountManagementPlugin.txt to .../data/TWiki/
  • Restart the webserver

The plugin requires that the account management scripts are available and working in /usr/supp/accts and that the credentials file /etc/supp/credentials contains all passwords and is readable by the webserver process.

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: StefanWalter
Plugin Version: 27 Oct 2006
Change History:  
15 Oct 2024: Ported to foswiki
27 Oct 2006: First release
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.0
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

-- StefanWalter - 27 Oct 2006
Topic revision: r9 - 02 Nov 2006, walteste
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